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AS ISO 55000:2014 [ Current ] Asset management - Overview, principles and terminology standard by Standards Australia, 11/11/2014
AS 7503.4:2014 [ Current ] Train Identification and Integrity Part 4: Infrastructure Maintenance Rolling Stock standard by Standards Australia, 11/10/2014
AS 7503.6:2014 [ Current ] Train Identification and Integrity Part 6: Whole of Train standard by Standards Australia, 11/10/2014
AS 7503.1:2014 [ Current ] Train Identification and Integrity Part 1: Locomotive Rolling Stock standard by Standards Australia, 11/10/2014
AS 7503.2:2014 [ Current ] Train Identification and Integrity Part 2: Freight Rolling Stock standard by Standards Australia, 11/10/2014
AS 7503.3:2014 [ Current ] Train Identification and Integrity Part 3: Passenger Rolling Stock standard by Standards Australia, 11/10/2014
AS 2758.1:2014 [ Current ] Aggregates and rock for engineering purposes, Part 1: Concrete aggregates standard by Standards Australia, 11/07/2014
AS ISO 9712:2014 [ Current ] Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel standard by Standards Australia, 11/06/2014
AS 3660.1:2014 [ Current ] Termite management, Part 1: New building work standard by Standards Australia, 11/05/2014
AS 3660.3:2014 [ Current ] Termite management, Part 3: Assessment criteria for termite management systems standard by Standards Australia, 11/05/2014
AS 2144:2014 [ Current ] Traffic signal lanterns standard by Standards Australia, 10/21/2014
AS ISO 17218:2014 [ Current ] Sterile acupuncture needles for single use standard by Standards Australia, 10/07/2014