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AS 1530.4:2014 [ Current ] Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures, Part 4: Fire-resistance tests for elements of construction standard by Standards Australia, 12/10/2014
AS 3775.1:2014 [ Current ] Chain slings for lifting purposes - Grade T(80) and V(100), Part 1: Product specification standard by Standards Australia, 12/09/2014
AS 3775.2:2014 [ Current ] Chain slings for lifting purposes - Grade T(80) and V(100), Part 2: Care and use standard by Standards Australia, 12/09/2014
AS 3600-2009 Sup 1:2014 [ Available Superseded ] Concrete Structures - Commentary (Supplement to AS 3600-2009) standard by Standards Australia, 12/05/2014
AS 3600-2009 Supp 1:2014 [ Available Superseded ] Concrete Structures - Commentary (Supplement to AS 3600-2009) standard by Standards Australia, 12/05/2014
AS 1012.5:2014 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 5: Determination of mass per unit volume of freshly mixed concrete standard by Standards Australia, 12/01/2014
AS 1012.6:2014 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 6: Determination of bleeding of concrete standard by Standards Australia, 12/01/2014
AS 1735.14-1998 Rul 1:2014 [ Current ] Lifts, escalators and moving walks Part 14: Low rise platform for passengers standard by Standards Australia, 11/27/2014
AS ISO 2631.2:2014 [ Current ] Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to wholebody vibration, Part 2: Vibration in buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz) standard by Standards Australia, 11/27/2014
AS 1289.0:2014 [ Current ] Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Part 0: Definitions and general requirements standard by Standards Australia, 11/26/2014
AS ISO 55001:2014 [ Current ] Asset management - Management systems - Requirements standard by Standards Australia, 11/11/2014
AS ISO 55002:2014 [ Superseded ] Asset management -- Management systems -- Guidelines for the application of AS ISO 55001 standard by Standards Australia, 11/11/2014