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AS ISO 18436.4:2014 [ Current ] Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel, Part 4: Field lubricant analysis standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2014
AS 2542.1.1:2014 [ Current ] Sensory analysis, Part 1.1: Methodology - General guidance standard by Standards Australia, 12/17/2014
AS 2542.2.2:2014 [ Current ] Sensory analysis, Part 2.2: Methodology - Triangle test standard by Standards Australia, 12/17/2014
AS 2542.2.4:2014 [ Current ] Sensory analysis, Part 2.4: Methodology - Duo-trio test standard by Standards Australia, 12/17/2014
AS 2542.3:2014 [ Current ] Sensory analysis, Part 3: Vocabulary standard by Standards Australia, 12/17/2014
AS 2542.1.3:2014 [ Current ] Sensory analysis, Part 1.3: Methodology - Selection, training and monitoring of selected assessors and expert sensory assessors standard by Standards Australia, 12/17/2014
AS 2542.2.5:2014 [ Current ] Sensory analysis, Method 2.5: Methodology - 'A-not A' test standard by Standards Australia, 12/17/2014
AS 2542.2.6:2014 [ Current ] Sensory analysis, Part 2.6: Methodology - Ranking standard by Standards Australia, 12/17/2014
AS 2542.2.3:2014 [ Current ] Sensory analysis, Part 2.3: Methodology - Guidelines for the use of quantitative response scales (rating) standard by Standards Australia, 12/17/2014
AS 4343:2014 [ Current ] Pressure equipment - Hazard levels standard by Standards Australia, 12/15/2014
AS 1798:2014 [ Current ] Lighting poles and bracket arms - Recommended dimensions standard by Standards Australia, 12/12/2014
AS 1774.5:2014 [ Current ] Refractories and refractory materials - Physical test methods, Method 5: Determination of bulk density, apparent porosity and true porosity (ISO 5017:2013, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 12/10/2014