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AS 1379-2007 Amd 2:2015 [ Current ] Specification and Supply of concrete Amendment by Standards Australia, 03/30/2015
AS 1418.11:2014 Amd 1:2015 [ Current ] Cranes, hoists and winches - Part 11: Vehicle-loading cranes (EN 12999:2011, MOD) Amendment by Standards Australia, 03/27/2015
AS 1735.5:2015 [ Current ] Lifts, escalators and moving walks, Part 5: Escalators and moving walks standard by Standards Australia, 03/27/2015
AS 2021:2015 [ Current ] Acoustics - Aircraft noise intrusion - Building siting and construction standard by Standards Australia, 03/25/2015
AS 2432:2015 [ Current ] Babies' dummies standard by Standards Australia, 03/24/2015
AS 1576.3:2015 [ Current ] Scaffolding, Part 3: Prefabricated and tube-and-coupler scaffolding standard by Standards Australia, 03/17/2015
AS 1289.3.8.3:2014 Amd 1:2015 [ Current ] Methods of testing soil for engineering purposes - Soil classification tests - Dispersion - Determination of pinhole dispersion classification of a soil Amendment by Standards Australia, 03/11/2015
AS 1012.24:2015 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 24: Determination of the tensile bond strength of concrete - Repairs and strengthening systems standard by Standards Australia, 03/05/2015
AS 1012.8.3:2015 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 8.3: Methods of making and curing concrete - Mortar and grout specimens standard by Standards Australia, 03/05/2015
AS 1012.3.5:2015 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 3.5: Determination of properties related to the consistency of concrete - Slump flow, T500 and J-ring test standard by Standards Australia, 03/05/2015
AS 1141.27:2015 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 27: Resistance to wear by attrition standard by Standards Australia, 02/20/2015
AS 3814:2015 [ Superseded ] Industrial and commercial gas-fired appliances standard by Standards Australia, 02/18/2015