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AS ISO/IEC 27002:2015 [ Current ] Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security controls standard by Standards Australia, 04/29/2015
AS 5300-2015 [ Superseded ] Australian Fish Names Standard standard by Standards Australia, 04/27/2015
AS 1012.23:2015 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 23: Water content of freshly mixed concrete - Microwave oven method standard by Standards Australia, 04/20/2015
AS ISO 7240.24:2015 [ Current ] Fire detection and alarm systems - Part 24: Sound-system loudspeakers standard by Standards Australia, 04/20/2015
AS 3700-2011 Amd 2:2015 [ Superseded ] Masonry structures Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/15/2015
AS 1237.1-2002 Amd 1:2015 [ Current ] Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for general purposes, Part 1: General plan Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/15/2015
AS 1141.12:2015 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 12: Materials finer than 75 µm in aggregates (by washing) standard by Standards Australia, 04/14/2015
AS 1744:2015 [ Current ] Standard alphabets for road signs standard by Standards Australia, 04/14/2015
AS 1141.2:2015 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 2: Basic testing equipment standard by Standards Australia, 04/14/2015
AS 1141.31:2015 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 31: Light particles standard by Standards Australia, 04/14/2015
AS 3533.4.5(Int)-2012 Amd 1:2015 [ Superseded ] Amusement rides and devices - Specific requirements - Waterborne inflatables Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/08/2015
AS 2303:2015 [ Available Superseded ] Tree stock for landscape use standard by Standards Australia, 04/02/2015