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AS 1012.20.1:2016 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 20.1: Determination of chloride and sulfate in hardened concrete and aggregates - Nitric acid extraction method standard by Standards Australia, 10/18/2016
AS 1012.20.2:2016 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 20.2: Determination of water-soluble chloride in aggregates and hardened concrete standard by Standards Australia, 10/18/2016
AS 2758.1:2014 Amd 1:2016 [ Current ] Aggregates and rock for engineering purposes - Part 1: Concrete aggregates Amendment by Standards Australia, 10/18/2016
AS 15194:2016 [ Current ] Cycles - Electrically power assisted cycles - EPAC Bicycles (also known as pedelecs) (EN 15194:2009, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 10/17/2016
AS 5142:2016 [ Current ] Dewatering characteristics of coarse coal in a vibrating centrifuge standard by Standards Australia, 10/14/2016
AS 1067.2:2016 [ Current ] Eye and face protection - Sunglasses and fashion spectacles, Part 2: Test methods (ISO 12311:2013, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 09/30/2016
AS 4287:2016 [ Current ] Child use and care articles - Child seats for cycles - Safety requirements and test methods (EN 14344:2004, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 09/14/2016
AS 2067:2016 [ Current ] Substations and high voltage installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. standard by Standards Australia, 09/14/2016
AS 1237.2:2016 [ Current ] Tolerances for fasteners, Part 2: Washers for bolts, screws and nuts - Product grades A, C and F standard by Standards Australia, 09/07/2016
AS ISO 7240.27:2016 [ Current ] Fire detection and fire alarm systems, Part 27: Point-type fire detectors using a scattered-light, transmitted-light or ionisation smoke sensor, an electrochemical-cell carbon-monoxide sensor and a heat sensor standard by Standards Australia, 08/22/2016
AS 1897:2016 [ Current ] Fasteners - Electroplated coatings standard by Standards Australia, 07/19/2016
AS 2805.2:2015 Amd 1:2016 [ Current ] Electronic funds transfers - Requirements for interfaces - Message structures, format and content Amendment by Standards Australia, 07/19/2016