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AS 4422:2016 [ Current ] Playground surfacing - Specifications, requirements and test method standard by Standards Australia, 11/23/2016
AS 1546.4:2016 [ Current ] On-site domestic wastewater treatment units, Part 4: Domestic greywater treatment systems standard by Standards Australia, 11/21/2016
AS 7470:2016 [ Current ] Human Factors Integration in Engineering Design - General Requirements standard by Standards Australia, 11/21/2016
AS ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748.4:2016 [ Current ] Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle management -- Part 4: Systems engineering planning standard by Standards Australia, 11/21/2016
AS 1851-2012 Amd 1:2016 [ Current ] Routine service of fire protection systems and equipment Amendment by Standards Australia, 11/16/2016
AS 4773.1:2015 Amd 1:2016 [ Current ] Masonry in small buildings - Design Amendment by Standards Australia, 11/07/2016
AS 7240.4-2004 Amd 1:2016 [ Current ] Fire detection and alarm systems, Part 4: Power supply equipment (ISO 7240-4:2003, MOD) Amendment by Standards Australia, 10/25/2016
AS 4428.4:2016 [ Current ] Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - Control and indicating equipment, Part 4: Emergency intercom control and indicating equipment standard by Standards Australia, 10/25/2016
AS 5203:2016 [ Current ] Protection of openable windows/fall prevention - Test sequence and compliance method standard by Standards Australia, 10/24/2016
AS 1742.11:2016 [ Current ] Manual of uniform traffic control devices, Part 11: Parking controls standard by Standards Australia, 10/24/2016
AS 2550.11:2016 [ Current ] Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use, Part 11: Vehicle-loading cranes standard by Standards Australia, 10/21/2016
AS 2550.5:2016 [ Current ] Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use, Part 5: Mobile cranes standard by Standards Australia, 10/21/2016