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AS 5376-2012 [ Current ] Gender-inclusive job evaluation and grading standard by Standards Australia, 05/15/2012
AS 3706.11-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Methods of test, Method 11: Determination of durability - Resistance to degradation by light, heat and moisture standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 3706:13-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Methods of test, Method 13: Determination of durability - Resistance to certain microbiological agents standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 4067:2012 [ Current ] Protective helmets for structural firefighting standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 3706.6-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Methods of test, Method 6: Determination of seam strength standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 3706.10.1-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Methods of test, Method 10.1: Determination of transmissivity - Radial method standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 3706.4-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Methods of test, Method 4: Determination of burst strength - California bearing ratio (CBR) - Plunger method standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 3706.2-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Methods of test, Method 2: Determination of tensile properties - Wide strip and grab method standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 3706.1-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Methods of test, Method 1: General requirements, sampling, conditioning, basic physical properties and statistical analysis standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 3706.3-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Methods of test, Method 3: Determination of tearing strength - Trapezoidal method standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 3706.9-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Methods of test, Method 9: Determination of permittivity, permeability and flow rate standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012
AS 3705-2012 [ Current ] Geotextiles - Identification, marking and general data standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012