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AS 5013.14.3-2012 [ Current ] Food microbiology, Method 14.3: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms - Colony count at 30°C by the surface plating technique standard by Standards Australia, 06/27/2012
AS 5013.11.5-2012 [ Current ] Food microbiology, Method 11.5: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination - Specific rules for the preparation of milk and milk products (ISO 6887-5:2010, MOD)...
AS 1684.2-2010 AMDT 1 [ Current ] Residential timber-framed constructions-Non-cyclonic areas Amendment by Standards Australia, 06/21/2012
AS 4666:2012 [ Current ] Insulating glass units standard by Standards Australia, 06/21/2012
AS 5483-2012 [ Current ] Minimizing the risk of contamination in products used to collect and analyse biological material for forensic DNA purposes standard by Standards Australia, 06/18/2012
AS 4254.1-2012 [ Current ] Ductwork for air-handling systems in buildings, Part 1: Flexible duct standard by Standards Australia, 06/08/2012
AS ISO 12647.8-2012 [ Current ] Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints, Part 8: Validation print processes working directly from digital data standard by Standards Australia, 06/07/2012
AS 2419.3-2012 [ Current ] Fire hydrant installations, Part 3: Fire brigade booster connections standard by Standards Australia, 06/07/2012
AS 5388.2-2012 [ Current ] Forensic analysis, Part 2: Analysis and examination of material standard by Standards Australia, 05/31/2012
AS 5388.1-2012 [ Current ] Forensic analysis, Part 1: Recognition, recording, recovery, transport and storage of material standard by Standards Australia, 05/31/2012
AS 2118.4-2012 [ Current ] Automatic fire sprinkler systems, Part 4: Sprinkler protection for accommodation buildings not exceeding four storeys in height standard by Standards Australia, 05/22/2012
AS 4371-2012 [ Current ] Ceramic tableware standard by Standards Australia, 05/18/2012