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AS ISO 6469.2:2014 [ Current ] Electrically propelled road vehicles - Safety specifications, Part 2: Vehicle operational safety means and protection against failures standard by Standards Australia, 06/30/2014
AS 1418.11:2014 [ Current ] Cranes, hoists and winches, Part 11: Vehicle-loading cranes (EN 12999:2011, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 06/27/2014
AS IEC 61131.6:2014 [ Current ] Programmable controllers - Part 6: Functional safety standard by Standards Australia, 06/27/2014
AS 1012.2:2014 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 2: Preparing concrete mixes in the laboratory standard by Standards Australia, 06/27/2014
AS 1012.1:2014 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 1: Sampling of concrete standard by Standards Australia, 06/27/2014
AS 1012.9:2014 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 9: Compressive strength tests - Concrete, mortar and grout specimens standard by Standards Australia, 06/27/2014
AS 1012.8.2:2014 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 8.2: Method for making and curing concrete - Flexure test specimens standard by Standards Australia, 06/27/2014
AS 1085.21:2014 [ Current ] Railway track material, Part 21: Turnouts, switches and crossings standard by Standards Australia, 06/27/2014
AS 1012.8.1:2014 [ Current ] Methods of testing concrete, Method 8.1: Method for making and curing concrete - Compression and indirect tensile test specimens standard by Standards Australia, 06/27/2014
AS 4032.4:2014 [ Current ] Water supply - Valves for the control of heated water supply temperatures, Part 4: Thermostatically controlled taps for the control of heated water supply temperatures standard by Standards Australia, 06/11/2014
AS ISO/IEC 19777.2:2014 [ Current ] Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Extensible 3D (X3D) language bindings -- Part 2: Java standard by Standards Australia, 05/30/2014
AS ISO/IEC 19774:2014 [ Current ] Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Humanoid Animation (H-Anim) standard by Standards Australia, 05/30/2014