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AS ISO 9599:2016 [ Current ] Copper, lead, zinc and nickel sulfide concentrates - Determination of hygroscopic moisture content of the analysis sample - Gravimetric method standard by Standards Australia, 04/28/2016
AS ISO 15247:2016 [ Current ] Zinc sulfide concentrates - Determination of silver content - Acid dissolution and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method standard by Standards Australia, 04/28/2016
AS 1670.5:2016 [ Current ] Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning, Part 5: Special hazards systems standard by Standards Australia, 04/21/2016
AS 1141.22-2008 Amd 1:2016 [ Current ] Amendment to AS 1141.22-2008 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Wet/dry strength variation Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/18/2016
AS 1289.6.4.2:2016 [ Current ] Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 6.4.2: Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of compressive strength of a soil - Compressive strength of a saturated specimen tested in undrained triaxial compression with measurement of pore...
AS 4276.23:2016 [ Current ] Water microbiology, Method 23: Soils, sediments, sludges, slurries and bio-solids - Procedures for sample preparation standard by Standards Australia, 04/12/2016
AS 4276.17.1:2016 [ Current ] Water microbiology, Method 17.1: Spores of Clostridium perfringens - Membrane filtration method standard by Standards Australia, 04/12/2016
AS 4276.17.2:2016 [ Current ] Water microbiology - Method 17.2: Spores of Clostridium perfringens - Estimation of most probable number (MPN) using the multiple tube dilution technique standard by Standards Australia, 04/12/2016
AS 1141.14-2007 Amd 1:2016 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Method 14: Particle shape, by proportional caliper Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/08/2016
AS 1141.60.2:2014 Amd 1:2016 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Method 60.2: Potential alkali-silica reactivity - Concrete prism method Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/08/2016
AS 1141.30.1-2009 Amd 1:2016 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Method 30.1: Coarse aggregate quality by visual comparison Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/08/2016
AS 1141.11.1-2009 Amd 2:2016 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Part 11.1: Particle size distribution - Sieving method Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/08/2016