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AS 5804.3-2010 [ Current ] High-voltage live working, Part 3: Stick work standard by Standards Australia, 08/09/2010
AS 5804.1-2010 [ Current ] High-voltage live working, Part 1: General standard by Standards Australia, 08/09/2010
AS 5804.2-2010 [ Current ] High-voltage live working, Part 2: Glove and barrier work standard by Standards Australia, 08/09/2010
AS 5810-2010 [ Current ] Biodegradable plastics - Biodegradable plastics suitable for home composting standard by Standards Australia, 07/26/2010
AS 4989-2006 AMDT 2 [ Available Superseded ] Trampoline - Safety aspects Amendment by Standards Australia, 07/22/2010
AS 3814-2009 AMDT 1 [ Available Superseded ] Industrial and commercial gas-fired appliances Amendment by Standards Australia, 07/21/2010
AS 5044.2-2010 [ Current ] AGLS Metadata Standard, Part 2: Usage guide standard by Standards Australia, 06/30/2010
AS 2845.2-2010 [ Current ] Water supply - Backflow preventions devices, Part 2: Registered air gaps and registered break tanks standard by Standards Australia, 06/30/2010
AS 5044.1-2010 [ Current ] AGLS Metadata Standard, Part 1: Reference description standard by Standards Australia, 06/30/2010
AS 5014-2010 [ Current ] Child-resistant packaging - Requirements and testing procedures for non-reclosable packages for pharmaceutical products (EN 14375:2003, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 06/28/2010
AS 5013.18-2010 [ Current ] Food microbiology, Method 18: Examination for specific organisms - standard by Standards Australia, 06/23/2010
AS 1684.3 C3 SUPP 4-2010 [ Current ] Residential timber-framed construction, Part 3: Cyclonic areas C3 Supplement 4: Timber framing span tables - Wind classification C3 - Seasoned softwood - Stress Grade MGP 10 (Supplement to AS 1684.3-2010) standard by Standards Australia, 06/21/2010