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AS ISO 10545.16-2013 [ Current ] Ceramic tiles, Part 16: Determination of small colour differences standard by Standards Australia, 03/06/2013
AS ISO 13007.3-2013 [ Current ] Ceramic tiles - Grouts and adhesives, Part 3: Terms, definitions and specifications for grouts standard by Standards Australia, 03/06/2013
AS 2359.6-2013 [ Current ] Powered industrial trucks, Part 6: Self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless trucks, variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks (ISO 3691-1:2011, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 02/25/2013
AS 4747.6-2013 [ Current ] Meters for non-urban water supply, Part 6: Installation and commissioning of open channel meters standard by Standards Australia, 02/21/2013
AS 4747.3-2013 [ Current ] Meters for non-urban water supply, Part 3: Technical requirements for open channel meters standard by Standards Australia, 02/21/2013
AS 4747.2-2013 [ Current ] Meters for non-urban water supply, Part 2: Technical requirements for closed conduit meters fully charged standard by Standards Australia, 02/21/2013
AS 4747.5-2013 [ Current ] Meters for non-urban water supply, Part 5: Installation and commissioning of closed conduit meters fully charged standard by Standards Australia, 02/21/2013
AS 4747.8-2013 [ Current ] Meters for non-urban water supply, Part 8: In-service compliance for non-urban water meters standard by Standards Australia, 02/21/2013
AS 2359.2-2013 [ Current ] Powered industrial trucks, Part 2: Operations standard by Standards Australia, 02/13/2013
AS 1445-2013 [ Current ] Hot-dipped zinc-coated, aluminium/zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc/magnesium-coated steel sheet - 76 mm pitch corrugated standard by Standards Australia, 02/04/2013
AS ISO 13006-2013 [ Withdrawn ] Ceramic tiles - Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2013
AS 4747.1-2013 [ Current ] Meters for non-urban water supply - Glossary of terms standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2013