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IEC/TS 62933-2-2 Ed. 1.0 en:2022
Electrical energy storage (EES) systems - Part 2-2: Unit parameters and testing methods - Application and performance testingstandard by International Electrotechnical Commission - Technical Standard, 04/01/2022
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This part of IEC 62933 defines testing methods and duty cycles to validate the EES system's technical specification for the manufacturers, designers, operators, utilities and owners of the EES systems which evaluate the performance of the EES systems for various applications. The following items are covered in this document. The energy storage devices and technologies are outside the scope of this document:
- application;
- performance testing methods;
- duty cycles for specific application.
This document will be used as a reference when selecting testing items and their corresponding evaluation methods.
This document considers applications such as:
- frequency control;
- primary/secondary/tertiary frequency control;
- fluctuation reduction of PV and wind farm;
- reactive-power voltage control;
- power quality events mitigation;
- peak shaving;
- renewable firming;
- back-up power;
- islanded grid.