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UNE 100003-2-2:2015 Thermal systems of the building. Criteria for classifying the quality of thermal systems. Part 2-2: Calculation methodology for qualification of the quality of assembly.
UNE-CEN/TS 16628:2014 Energy Performance of Buildings - Basic Principles for the set of EPB standards (Endorsed by AENOR in March of 2015.)
UNE-CEN/TS 16629:2014 Energy Performance of Buildings - Detailed Technical Rules for the set of EPB-standards (Endorsed by AENOR in March of 2015.)
UNE 53946:2015 Reinforced polypropylene layer pads. Requirements and test methods
UNE 54100-11:2015 Graphic industries. Vocabulary. Part 11: Rotogravure fundamental terms
UNE-CEN/TR 15149-3:2015 IN Solid biofuels - Determination of particle size distribution - Part 3: Rotary screen method
UNE 60310:2015 Gas supply pipelines for maximum operating pressure above 5 bar and up to and including 16 bar.
UNE 60311:2015 Gas supply pipelines for maximum operating pressure up to and including 5 bar.
UNE 60312:2015 Gas pressure regulating stations for distribution of gas supply at an inlet pressure not above 16 bar.
UNE-HD 60364-5-54:2015 Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing arrangements and protective conductors
UNE-HD 60364-5-54:2015 Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing arrangements and protective conductors
UNE 195005:2015 Artisanal production and maintenance of fishing tackle and gear